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CNN Positioning Famous Aleppo Boy for a better picture
Nice Truck Attack PROPAGANDA - 'Time of Their Lives'
Orlando Hoax - Hospital Drills and Nervous Doctors
Simulated Reality - THIS is How They Fake Shootings & Terror Events Like Orlando
Noam Chomsky - Manufacturing Consent
Fake Blood Caught On Tape Boston Marathon Hoax Injuries
George W. Bush Slip-of-the-Tongue
First Commercial After JFK Was Assassinated
Fake Crisis Actors Muslim Brotherhood Protest Actors Posing For The Media
The 30 Billion Dollar Scam
The Sandy Freak Show
The Incubator Babies Conspiracy
Andrew Breitbart at CPAC 2012
Operation Mockingbird
Bannon and Breitbart on Mainstream Media Bias
Breitbart and O'Keefe in Nashua, NH - Part 3 of 3
Breitbart and O'Keefe in Nashua, NH - Part 2 of 3
Breitbart and O'Keefe in Nashua, NH - Part 1 of 3
Gaddafi's Son on Libya
Breitbart Talks Weinergate on O'Reilly
Charles Lindbergh - Des Moines Speech (1941)
Cenk Uygur on Weinergate
Anthony Weiner Denies Weinergate
Anthony Weiner on Sherrod Fiasco
Media Matters Hit Piece on Andrew Breitbart
Breitbart Defends Sherrod Video on MSNBC
Shirley Sherrod at NAACP
Puppets Selling War - Retired Generals
Spin (Full Documentary)
CNN Caught Making Fake News in the 90s
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